If you’re considering importing a vehicle of any kind into Australia, you will require an import permit. This includes boat trailers, regardless of whether they are being imported with or without a boat onboard.
An import permit should be obtained BEFORE you ship the trailer. Permits can take several weeks to be approved. The authorities will not release the trailer from Customs control until the permit is received.
Trailers that arrive in Australia WITHOUT an import approval MAY be required to be re-exported or even directed for destruction.
The importer may otherwise be faced with wharf storage costs.
If you would like to apply for your own import permit, you can follow this weblink to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts website.
The website includes relevant information and a link to the online registration and application portal:
Importing a road vehicle into Australia | Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
Alternatively, if you would like some assistance, we’re pleased to recommend the services of Dominic Bonasia from Vehicle Valuers Australia.
We can make an introduction or you may choose to contact him directly.
Contact details as follows:-
Contact: Mr Dominic Bonasia
E: info@vehiclevaluers.com.au
M: 0412 880 925
We’re here to assist with all other parts of the importation process and will be pleased to hear from you if you have any questions.